BSDsnob@Brainshare 2004 Travelogue:
So Chris Stone announces he wants to bring out Jack Messman and, of course, Linus to talk about Linux.
They hang out in directors chairs on stage and Jack and Chris start asking Linus various questions.
Chris: What else do you want in your life?
Linus: I'm really very happy. It's certainly nice to be flown around on corporate jets to talk to people.
Jack: What do you wish you had done differently?
Linus: I don't think I did anything wrong yet. But when I get a question like that most people ask "What do you think your best decision about linux was?"
Linus continues: My best decision was to not make linux proprietary. Keeping it free has let it really develop well.
Jack: (joking a little) But if you had made it proprietary you would have your own corporate jet. (hah hah)
Linus: (blank stare at jack)